Black Bullet
Black Bullet is a Japanese light novel series written by Shiden Kanzaki and illustrated by Saki Ukai. In the year 2021, mankind is ravaged by the epidemic of Gastrea, a parasitic virus, and is forced to live within the Monolith walls, which are created from Varanium: a metal that is able to subdue Gastrea. Soon, children who were born with the Gastrea virus and obtained superhuman abilities as a result, are discovered and dubbed "Cursed Children". Ten years after the epidemic, Rentaro Satomi, a Promoter in Tendo Civil Security Agency, along with his Initiator, Enju Aihara, conducts missions to prevent the destruction of the Tokyo Area and the world.
Downloadable Episodes
Capped by Samu, 1280x720
Name: The Last Hope |
Name: The Mask of Madness |
Name: The Children of Fate |
Name: Black Bullet |
Name: The Crimson Black Assassin |
Name: Tragic Irony |
Name: The Moonlit Night, the Sky at Dawn |
Name: The Monument on the Border |
Name: The Guardians of the Barrier |
Name: The Battle for Tokyo Area |
Name: Heart of Taurus, Lance of Light |
Name: Crisis Point |
Name: They Who Would Be Gods |