
Darwin's Game

Darwin's Game is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by FLIPFLOPs. An anime television series adaptation by Nexus premiered from January 3 to March 20, 2020. 17-year old Kaname Sudō accepts an online invitation by a friend to play an app game called Darwin's Game, unbeknownst to him that it involves a fight between life and death. Those who play the game are given a Sigil, an ability that varies from player to player. Trapped in this game of relentless murder and conquest, Kaname determines to clear the game, and seek out and kill the Game Master.

Capper: Samu
Image Dimensions: 1920x1080
Capping Program: KMPlayer

You can view the specifics of the files below such as the # of caps or the file size and download the files below.

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Name: First Game
# of Caps: 648
File Size: 140 MB

Name: Gemstone Mine
# of Caps: 269
File Size: 32 MB

Name: Ignition
# of Caps: 267
File Size: 24 MB

Name: Fireworks
# of Caps: 277
File Size: 22.5 MB

Name: Aquarium
# of Caps: 210
File Size: 18 MB

Name: Hardness
# of Caps: 203
File Size: 17 MB

Name: Eighth
# of Caps: 258
File Size: 21 MB

Name: Fragile
# of Caps: 250
File Size: 20.4 MB

Name: Heads Up
# of Caps: 288
File Size: 23.1 MB

Name: Old One
# of Caps: 228
File Size: 25.1 MB

Name: Sunset Ravens
# of Caps: 293
File Size: 22.4 MB

~ アイドル !

Welcome to Crowned Caps! We post anime episode screenshots that are downloadable in zip format. This is a passion project between two besties who love anime. ❥

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