
Death Parade

Death Parade is a 2015 Japanese anime television series created, written, and directed by Yuzuru Tachikawa and produced by Madhouse. Whenever someone dies, they are sent to one of many mysterious bars run by bartenders serving as arbiters. There, they must participate in Death Games with their souls on the line, the results of which reveal what secrets led them to their situation and what their fate will be afterwards, with the arbiters judging if their souls will either be sent for reincarnation or banished into the void. The series follows Decim whose role in judging these souls changes when he meets a curious black-haired woman.

Capper: Samu
Image Dimensions: 1280x720
Capping Program: KMPlayer

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Name: Death Seven Darts
# of Caps: 387
File Size: 25.6 MB

Name: Death Reverse
# of Caps: 317
File Size: 19.6 MB

Name: Rolling Ballade
# of Caps: 322
File Size: 23.5 MB

Name: Death Arcade
# of Caps: 353
File Size: 23.2 MB

Name: Death March
# of Caps: 316
File Size: 22.1 MB

Name: Cross Heart Attack
# of Caps: 404
File Size: 32.7 MB

Name: Alcohol Poison
# of Caps: 301
File Size: 21.3 MB

Name: Death Rally
# of Caps: 312
File Size: 18 MB

Name: Death Counter
# of Caps: 345
File Size: 19.3 MB

Name: Story Teller
# of Caps: 299
File Size: 21.4 MB

Name: Memento Mori
# of Caps: 320
File Size: 20.5 MB

Name: Suicide Tour
# of Caps: 369
File Size: 23.6 MB

Name: Opening
# of Caps: 50
File Size: 4.76 MB


~ アイドル !

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