
FATE/Grand Carnival

FATE/Grand Carnival is an anime series that debuted December 31, 2020 as part of the 2020 New Years broadcast. Season one focuses on 2 "singularities." The teaser shows Neco-Arc, now Mysterious Neco X, in the newly renamed "Ahnenerbe Chaldea". Fate/Grand Carnival is a spinoff of Fate/Grand Order, acting as a parody in a similar manner to Carnival Phantasm.

Capper: Samu
Image Dimensions: 1920 x 1080
Capping Program: KMPlayer

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Name: The Carnival Olympia of Heroic Spirits- Flame of Mad Festival
# of Caps: 219
File Size: 23 MB

Name: Night Singularity Kabukicho
# of Caps: 206
File Size: 24 MB

Name: -
# of Caps: -
File Size: - MB

Name: Opening
# of Caps: 69
File Size: 12 MB

Name: Ending
# of Caps: -
File Size: - MB


~ アイドル !

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