∎ Fumetsu no Anata e
Fumetsu no Anata e is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yoshitoki Oima. The plot follows a mysterious immortal being, known only as "the Orb", sent to the Earth with no emotions nor identity. The being is able to take on the shape of those around that leave a strong impression on him. Starting off as a white orb, he takes the form of a rock, then a dying wolf. As a wolf, the being meets a boy living alone whom he mistakes from his late pet, Johan. After the boy dies due to a major wound in his body, the wolf takes his form. The wolf travels the world over nonstop until he is adopted by a young girl named March who names him Fushi. Fushi is then forms of various beings, and acquiring new powers, such as the ability to create objects out of nothing, and resurrecting the dead. Moreover, Fushi starts becoming developing more human emotions across his journey allowing him to meet new people. The Beholder, the person who sent him to Earth, often meets Fushi to test him and explains that their job is overseeing the planet. However, Fushi has no memories of Beholder so he ignores him. Capper: Samu Image Dimensions: 1920x1080 Capping Program: KMPlayer You can view the specifics of the files below such as the # of caps or the file size and download the files below. |
Name: The Last One # of Caps: 331 File Size: 24.8 MB Download |
Name: A Rambunctious Girl # of Caps: 354 File Size: 41 MB Download |