
Goblin Slayer

Goblin Slayer is a dark fantasy light novel series adapted into an anime. In a world of fantasy, adventurers come far and wide to join the Guild, in order to complete contracts for whatever jobs are available. An inexperienced priestess joins her first adventuring party, but comes into danger after her first adventurer contract involving goblins goes wrong. After the rest of her party is wiped out, she is saved by a man known as Goblin Slayer, an adventurer whose only purpose is the eradication of goblins with extreme prejudice.

Capper: Samu
Image Dimensions: 1920 x 1080
Capping Program: KMPlayer

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Name: The Fate of Particular Adventurers
# of Caps: 351
File Size: 34 MB

Name: Goblin Slayer
# of Caps: 268
File Size: 29 MB

Name: Unexpected Visitors
# of Caps: 250
File Size: 28 MB

Name: The Strong
# of Caps: 338
File Size: 36 MB

Name: Adventures and Daily Life
# of Caps: 216
File Size: 22 MB

Name: Goblin Slayer in the Water Town
# of Caps: 283
File Size: 31 MB

Name: Onward Unto Death
# of Caps: 300
File Size: 30 MB

Name: Whispers and Prayers and Chants
# of Caps: 257
File Size: 27 MB

Name: There and Back Again
# of Caps: 272
File Size: 24 MB

Name: Dozing
# of Caps: 232
File Size: 27 MB

Name: The Adventurers Feast
# of Caps: 294
File Size: 25 MB

Name: The Fate of an Adventurer
# of Caps: 289
File Size: 29 MB

Name: Opening
# of Caps: 70
File Size: 5.7 MB

Name: Ending
# of Caps: 13
File Size: 1.45 MB


~ アイドル !

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