
Majo no Tabitabi

Majo no Tabitabi is a Japanese light novel series written by Jougi Shiraishi and illustrated by Azure. Fascinated by the stories of Niké, a witch who traveled around the world, Elaina aspires to take the same course. Her determination of studying books and magic leads to her becoming the youngest apprentice witch to pass the sorcery exam. However, when Elaina attempts to receive training in order to become a full-fledged witch, she is rejected due to her extraordinary talents until she finds Fran, the "Stardust Witch," whom accepts her. After earning her title, the "Ashen Witch," Elaina beings her exploration aroudn the world, visiting and facing all kinds of people and places.

Capper: Jessica
Image Dimensions: 1920x1080
Capping Program: KMPlayer

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Name: Elaina, the Apprentice Witch
# of Caps: 354
File Size: 60.8 MB

Name: The Land of Mages
# of Caps: 261
File Size: 42.7 MB

Name: The Girl as Pretty as a Flower / Bottled Happiness
# of Caps: 242
File Size: 47.6 MB

Name: The Princess Without Subjects
# of Caps: 287
File Size: 39.3 MB

Name: Royal Celesteria
# of Caps: 247
File Size: 48.7 MB

Name: The Land of Truth Tellers
# of Caps: 247
File Size: 42.2 MB

Name: The Wall Etched by Travelers / The Grape-Stomping Girl
# of Caps: 252
File Size: 54 MB

Name: The Ripper
# of Caps: 303
File Size: 44.7 MB

Name: A Deep Sorrow from the Past
# of Caps: 276
File Size: 39.5 MB

Name: The Two Teachers
# of Caps: 287
File Size: 44.8 MB

Name: The Two Apprentices
# of Caps: 272
File Size: 39.2 MB

Name: The Everday Tale of Every Ashen Witch
# of Caps: 299
File Size: 49.4 MB

Name: Opening
# of Caps:
File Size: MB

Name: Ending
# of Caps:
File Size: MB

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