
Mushoku Tensei

Mushoku Tensei is a Japanese light novel series by Rifujin na Magonote about a jobless and hopeless man who reincarnates in a fantasy world while keeping his memories, determined to live his new life without regrets. Reincarnated in a new world as an infant, Rudy will seize every opportunity to live the life he's always wanted. Armed with new friends, some freshly acquired magical abilities, and the courage to do the things he's always dreamed of, he's embarking on an epic adventure—with all of his past experience intact!

Capper: Jessica
Image Dimensions: 1920x1080
Capping Program: KMPlayer

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Name: Jobless Reincarnation
# of Caps: 311
File Size: 47.7 MB

Name: Master
# of Caps: 330
File Size: 48.2 MB

Name: A Friend
# of Caps: 276
File Size: 42 MB

Name: Emergency Family Meeting
# of Caps: 257
File Size: 37.8 MB

Name: A Young Lady and Violence
# of Caps: 309
File Size: 41.3 MB

Name: A Day Off in Roa
# of Caps: 251
File Size: 42.9 MB

Name: What Lies Beyond Effort
# of Caps: 331
File Size: 51.5 MB

Name: Turning Point 1
# of Caps: 333
File Size: 46.9 MB

Name: A Chance Encounter
# of Caps: 283
File Size: 40.2 MB

Name: The Value of a Life and the First Job
# of Caps: 285
File Size: 39.2 MB

Name: Children and Warriors
# of Caps: 288
File Size: 46.5 MB

Name: Ending
# of Caps:
File Size: MB

~ アイドル !

Welcome to Crowned Caps! We post anime episode screenshots that are downloadable in zip format. This is a passion project between two besties who love anime. ❥

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