
Record of Ragnarok

Record of Ragnarok is a Japanese manga series written by Shinya Umemura and Takumi Fukui and illustrated by Ajichika. Every 1000 years, the Gods' Council assembles to decide the fate of humanity. After 7 million years of human history, the gods come to the decision that humans are irredeemable and must go extinct. However, the valkyrie Brunhilde proposes to give humanity one last chance to prove their worth and the gods agree to hold the battle of Ragnarok, a tournament with 13 notable humans from across history against 13 of the most powerful gods engaging in duels to the death. Humanity will be spared if their side achieves 7 victories in the competition. To even the odds, each human is granted the assistance of a valkyrie who transforms into a powerful weapon tailored for their user's combat style called "Volund", at the risk of losing her life if the user is killed.

Capper: Samu
Image Dimensions: 1920x1080
Capping Program: KMPlayer

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Name: Ragnarok
# of Caps: 276
File Size: 23 MB

Name: Worthy Opponent
# of Caps: 248
File Size: 26 MB

Name: Killer Move
# of Caps: 249
File Size: 26 MB

Name: Joy
# of Caps: 306
File Size: 31 MB

Name: File No.00000000001
# of Caps: 220
File Size: 22 MB

Name: Great Emulation
# of Caps: 287
File Size: 28 MB

Name: Expelled from Paradise
# of Caps: 324
File Size: 25 MB

Name: Grace Abounding
# of Caps: 341
File Size: 23 MB

Name: Tyrant of the Ocean
# of Caps: 242
File Size: 34 MB

Name: Greatest Loser
# of Caps: 293
File Size: 29 MB

Name: The Swallow Gazes into the Abyss
# of Caps: 284
File Size: 28 MB

Name: And Ragnarok Goes On
# of Caps: 336
File Size: 36 MB

Name: Opening
# of Caps: 35
File Size: 32 MB

Name: Ending
# of Caps: 19
File Size: 2 MB


~ アイドル !

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