
Satsuriku no Tenshi

Satsuriku no Tenshi is a Horror anime series adapted from a PC game of the same title created by Makoto Sanada. 13-year-old Rachel "Ray" Gardner is taken to a hospital for counselling after witnessing a murder. However, she wakes up to find herself on basement Floor B7 instead with no memories apart from her name and the reason she came to the hospital. A series of mysterious broadcasts and scribbled messages on the wall set the scene as a game where each participant is designated a floor of their own, and anyone who trespasses on another participant's floor has the chance to be killed.

Capper: Samu
Image Dimensions: 1920 x 1080
Capping Program: KMPlayer

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Name: Kill me... please.
# of Caps: 329
File Size: 37.8 MB
Name: Your grave is not here.
# of Caps: 290
File Size: 34.1 MB
Name: I swear to God.
# of Caps: 262
File Size: 30.9 MB
Name: A sinner has no right of choice.
# of Caps: 310
File Size: 38.5 MB
Name: Don't let me kill you just yet.
# of Caps: 305
File Size: 36 MB
Name: Zack Is the Only One Who Can Kill Me
# of Caps: 315
File Size: 39.7 MB
Name: Who Are You?
# of Caps: 280
File Size: 34.1 MB
Name: Yeah...I 'm a monster.
# of Caps: 291
File Size: 33.7 MB
Name: There is no God in this World.
# of Caps: 305
File Size: 37.4 MB
Name: The witch trial shall start.
# of Caps: 295
File Size: 29.7 MB
Name: Cause you are my God, Zack
# of Caps: 201
File Size: 23 MB
Name: Try to know everything about Her.
# of Caps: 315
File Size: 30.3 MB
Name: I'm not Your God.
# of Caps: 279
File Size: 27 MB
Name: Swear you will be killed by me.
# of Caps: 252
File Size: 26 MB
Name: A vow cannot be stolen.
# of Caps: 254
File Size: 28.4 MB
Name: Stop crying and smile.
# of Caps: 233
File Size: 29.8 MB
Name: Opening
# of Caps: 57
File Size: 7.3 MB
Name: Ending
# of Caps: 27
File Size: 3 MB


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