
Unbreakable Machine-Doll

Unbreakable Machine-Doll is a Japanese light novel series written by Reiji Kaito and illustrated by Ruroo. In an alternate historical version of the United Kingdom in the early 20th century, scientists have created a mixture of technology and sorcery known as Machinart, circuits made from spells that are put into objects to bring them to life and give them artificial intelligence. These Automatons were developed as a military weapon and spread throughout the world; the humans in charge of them became known as puppeteers.

Capper: Samu
Image Dimensions: 1920x1080
Capping Program: KMPlayer

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Name: Facing "Cannibal Candy" I
# of Caps: 377
File Size: 69 MB

Name: Facing "Cannibal Candy" II
# of Caps: 202
File Size: 44 MB

Name: Facing "Cannibal Candy" III
# of Caps: 298
File Size: 44 MB

Name: Facing "Cannibal Candy" IV
# of Caps: 270
File Size: 39 MB

Name: Facing "Sword Angel" I
# of Caps: 240
File Size: 48 MB

Name: Facing "Sword Angel" II
# of Caps: 222
File Size: 35 MB

Name: Facing "Sword Angel" III
# of Caps: 249
File Size: 29 MB

Name: Facing "Sword Angel" IV
# of Caps: 250
File Size: 39 MB

Name: Facing "Elf Speeder" I
# of Caps: 209
File Size: 43 MB

Name: Facing "Elf Speeder" II
# of Caps: 250
File Size: 37 MB

Name: Facing "Elf Speeder" III
# of Caps: 238
File Size: 27 MB

Name: Facing "Elf Speeder" IV
# of Caps: 266
File Size: 39 MB

~ アイドル !

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