
Urusei Yatsura

Urusei Yatsura is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Rumiko Takahashi and serialized in Shogakukan's Weekly Shounen Sunday from 1978 to 1987. An alien race known as the Oni arrive on Earth to invade the planet. Instead of taking over the planet by force, the Oni give humans a chance to fight for the rights to the planet by taking part in a competition. The competition is a variant of the game of tag, in which the human player must touch the horns on the head of the Oni player within one week. The computer-selected human player is Ataru Moroboshi, a lecherous, unlucky and academically unsuccessful high school student from the fictional Tomobiki Town in Nerima, Japan, and the Oni player is Princess Lum, daughter of the leader of the alien invaders. Ataru wins the game by stealing Lum's bikini top, which prevents her from protecting her horns in favor of protecting her modesty. In celebrating his victory, Ataru expresses his joy at being able to get married; however, Lum misinterprets this as a proposal from Ataru and accepts on live television. Despite the misunderstanding, Lum falls in love with Ataru and moves into his house.

Capper: Samu
Image Dimensions: 1280x920
Capping Program: KMPlayer

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Name: I'm Lum-chan the Notorious! / It's Raining Oil All Over Town
# of Caps: 270
File Size: 82 MB

Name: Mail from Space-Ten-chan Arrives! / Mrs. Swallow and Mrs. Penguin
# of Caps: 321
File Size: 51 MB

Name: The Coming of Rei the Handsome Shapechanger! / Die Dreamy-Man!
# of Caps: 309
File Size: 51 MB

Name: Kintaro from the Autumn Sky! / Gonna Live Like a Man!
# of Caps: 288
File Size: 45 MB

Name: Sakura - Raving Beauty of Mystery / Virus in Distress
# of Caps: 311
File Size: 46 MB

Name: Black Hole Love Triangle / It's a Lovesick Little Demon!
# of Caps: 262
File Size: 41 MB

Name: Electric Shocks Scare Me! / Voodoo Dolls of Vengeance
# of Caps: 327
File Size: 51 MB

Name: Neptune is Beyond My Closet / That Crazy Age of the Dinosaurs
# of Caps: 276
File Size: 42 MB

Name: Princess Kurama, Sleeping Beauty / Athletics in Women's Hell!
# of Caps: 334
File Size: 53 MB

Name: Pitter Patter Christmas Eve I & II
# of Caps: 227
File Size: 37 MB

Name: Ataru Genji Goes to the Heian Capital I & II
# of Caps:269
File Size: 41 MB

Name: Battle Royal of Love / Father You Were Strong
# of Caps: 280
File Size: 44 MB


~ アイドル !

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