
Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Koji Kumeta. Is is the third season of Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei. Nozomu Itoshiki is still the bizarre teacher of the even stranger Class 2-F. He attempts to teach his students the negative aspects of the world and society, only to have each circumstance thrown at his face whenever he tries. With more students and friends than before, Zetsubo-sensei's life becomes harder and crazier than ever before.

Capper: Samu
Image Dimensions: 1280x720
Capping Program: KMPlayer

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Name: The Way to Lost Garden
# of Caps: 389
File Size: 44 MB

Name: She who has
# of Caps: 374
File Size: 46 MB

Name: The Tragedy Of X
# of Caps: 338
File Size: 41 MB

Name: How I Became an Honest Man
# of Caps: 348
File Size: 43 MB

Name: Back-scratch
# of Caps: 358
File Size: 46 MB

Name: The Measles of Madison County
# of Caps: 305
File Size: 38 MB

Name: Do Androids Dream of Mechanical Brides?
# of Caps: 344
File Size: 45 MB

Name: Yes, It's a Surprise Party, I Murmured Hollowly Part 2
# of Caps: 274
File Size: 30 MB

Name: The Emergency Which Became a Nun
# of Caps: 365
File Size: 46 MB

Name: The Cracking Egg
# of Caps: 327
File Size: 43 MB

Name: House of the Child in Glasses
# of Caps: 340
File Size: 41 MB

Name: After The Third Time
# of Caps: 293
File Size: 34 MB

Name: Revenge of the S**t
# of Caps: 325
File Size: 39 MB

Name: Opening
# of Caps: 74
File Size: 9 MB

Name: Ending
# of Caps: 41
File Size: 4 MB

~ アイドル !

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